For the most up to date times and dates for events please check our order of service which can be downloaded on the homepage
Youth GroupsYouth Club @ First
Saturday 8:00pm - 10:00pm (Main Hall) Youth can enjoy a range of activities like football, hockey, volleyball badminton and gaming. It's a time to meet up with friends and enjoy the activities or sit down for a chat. There is also a short epilogue about half way through and a tuck shop is available. Youth Club also organises trips to different Coffee Bar events as well as trips away for activities. MAD @ First Sunday 6pm-7:30pm (Church and Graham Room MAD is a Youth Fellowship where the Youth can meet for games and Bible Study. There are also in-house Coffee Bars organised throughout the year with different speakers, Trips away, Pudding Nights and Movie Nights. MAD meets at 6pm in the Church for the start of the service with the rest of the congregation and about half way through leave go to the Graham Room. Bible Class Sunday 10am (Graham Room and Minor Hall) Bible class consists of bible study on different topics. The Bible Class meets with the rest of Sunday School for a time of praise in the Main Hall before they separate into their groups. Girl's Brigade Wednesday (Main Hall) Explorers (Age 3-7): 6:00pm-7:15pm Juniors (Age 8-10): 7:00pm-8:45pm Seniors/Brigaders (Age 11+) 7:45pm-9:30pm To help girls seek serve and follow Christ. It also seeks to encourage them to find true enrichment in life through values and a sense of responsibility. Different events and trips are also organised by the GB throughout the year including the annual remembrance day march, sports competitions, and displays. The GB is also as operating authority for the Duke of Edinburgh Award so if that is something you would be interested in please get in touch. For more information please contact Heather Palmer. Junior Band Sunday 3:30pm-4:30pm (Church) Times may change This is a mixture of Primary school age and Secondary school age children who want to learn or already play an instrument. Practices aren't on every Sunday so please check order of service for up to date details. For more information please contact Melanie Boyce. Senior Band Sunday 5:00pm-5:30pm (Church) Times may change This is for those who are slightly older and more experienced in playing an instrument and is a time of practice for events and the evening service. For more information please contact Melanie Boyce. |