"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." - John 3:16 A look at John 3:16 and the profoundly simple message it has.
Talk 2 |
TALK 2 - Why believe in God? | |
File Size: | 40371 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." - Psalm 14:1
The Fool that the bible talks about is the person who has not thought things through.
- Unbelief is not modern and has nothing to do with being more intelligent or more educated.
- Unbelief is a condition of the heart.
- Unbelief contains a limited understanding of life.
- Unbelief ignores a lot of the evidence for God.
- Unbelief ignores the supreme evidence for faith - Jesus Christ.
- Unbelief ignores the testimony of believers.
Talk 3
Why can't I change Myself?
Tuesday 15th September 2015

TALK 3 - Why Can't I change Myself? | |
File Size: | 27743 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Bible verse
John 3:1-12
Despite all our achievements we have an inability to conquer our own human nature. We are not basically good, we can't convince ourselves into goodness or try harder to make ourselves good. Only God can do it.
John 3:1-12
Despite all our achievements we have an inability to conquer our own human nature. We are not basically good, we can't convince ourselves into goodness or try harder to make ourselves good. Only God can do it.
- It is an inward work of God
- It's an invisible work of God
- It's an initial work of God
- It's an indispensable work of God.
Talk 4
Why did Jesus have to die?
Wednesday 16th September 2015

TALK 4 - Why did Jesus have to die? | |
File Size: | 25615 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
Bible Verses
Romans 3:9-10 Romans 3:19-20
"...for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus." (Rom 3:23-24)
Some deaths are described as the most famous, the most public and the most mourned. But when we look into the death of Jesus and why he had to die we see the death that was the most important, the key to reconciliation with God.
The cross speaks to us of four different things.
Romans 3:9-10 Romans 3:19-20
"...for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus." (Rom 3:23-24)
Some deaths are described as the most famous, the most public and the most mourned. But when we look into the death of Jesus and why he had to die we see the death that was the most important, the key to reconciliation with God.
The cross speaks to us of four different things.
- It's an evaluation of your worth as a human being - a price was paid for you.
- It's an exposition of the terrible seriousness of sin.
- It's a deminstration of God's grace and justice.
- It is an invitation from God - it is paid in full there is nothing more you can add to it.
Talk 5
Why do we Doubt?
Thursday 17th September 2015

14_talk_-_why_do_we_doubt_john_20v31.mp3 | |
File Size: | 28963 kb |
File Type: | mp3 |
"But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name." (John 20:31)
Doubts are necessary to discern truth. Doubts are normal whether Christian or not. Even weak faith can be genuine faith - it's a starting point. Faith lives alongside unanswered questions. John's Gospel was written for people who doubt.
When we look at the verse above, John points us to 3 aspects of genuine Christian faith.
Doubts are necessary to discern truth. Doubts are normal whether Christian or not. Even weak faith can be genuine faith - it's a starting point. Faith lives alongside unanswered questions. John's Gospel was written for people who doubt.
When we look at the verse above, John points us to 3 aspects of genuine Christian faith.
- It is based on reliable testimony about Jesus.
- It involves taking a step of faith based on that testimony.
- Faith is confirmed in experiencing life with Jesus
Talk 6
Why do you ask me about Jesus?
Friday 18th September 2015
The compulsory question to answer in life, upon which your life will stand or fall - What will you do about Jesus?
During the trial of Jesus we see Pontius Pilate try to answer this question over 3 separate moments.
During the trial of Jesus we see Pontius Pilate try to answer this question over 3 separate moments.
- Which kingdom will I choose?
- Which friendship will I choose?
- Do you want to be clean on the inside or just on the outside?
Talk 7
Why should I make a decision?
Sunday 20th September 2015
"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it." Matthew 7:13
There are two ways we can go in this life. One which leads to life and the other which leads to hell.
Jesus calls us to life - life in all its fullness.
There are two ways we can go in this life. One which leads to life and the other which leads to hell.
Jesus calls us to life - life in all its fullness.
- Enter through the narrow gate - there's only one way to God, there is nothing you can bring to God and you can't rely on the faith of others.
- Go the narrow way - set aside all that would hinder and rely on God.
- The destination is heaven - A full life which begins now and has a living solid hope.
1 Comment
Do we remember the amazing truth that we discovered when we became a Christian? Can we still see how amazing it is to be called a child of God? When we become a Christian we are no longer just a creature of God (something he has created) we are a child of God. We enter his family. We have a relationship with God who loves us. It's not just a box you tick - it has a dramatic impact on your life. If sin is what puts the hitch in our step then God is the one who is seeking to help us walk properly in our relationship with Him. While we might be an 'alien' to the rest of the world we have hope for the future - and that's amazing. Related Links The Why Leaflet |
“Pain insists upon being attended to. God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our consciences, but shouts in our pains. It is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world.” | Audio Download (click title to download) World Disasters - A Christian Response. 16 Jan 2005 am Preached in the aftermath of the Boxing Day Tsunami Bible verse Isaiah 40: 25-31 In the face of disaster people often ask: "How can you believe in a God who allows suffering on this scale?" They make assumptions about God:
Suffering is an illusion - it’s just our unfulfilled desire, if you remove desire for it you remove the suffering - buddhism. But Christianity says suffering is real and we have a God that wants to help. Suffering is payback - Karma - we get what we deserve - hinduism. But Christianity says this rules out a God of mercy and Grace. God actually holds back wrath to to allow time for salvation. Suffering is decreed - what will happen will happen it’s just God’s plan don’t question it - Islam But Christianity says that God is deeply moved by our suffering. longing to comfort us and desperate to save. Suffering is natural - it’s just the way the world is, it would be meaningless to wonder why, there is no why - atheist. But Christianity says our lives have worth and purpose therefore our suffering is not meaningless. Whatever God's reason behind suffering it didn't stop him from suffering the same fate and going to the cross for us. Showing a God that is both all powerful to save from sin and all loving in making the decision and sacrifice for us. |
What does the incarnation mean? God is easier to deal with when we can keep him at a distance - when he’s just the man upstairs. But our God is a relational God. He became flesh and lived amongst us as a man. We can’t hold God at a distance when he is determined to show that he knows us. If we were to be redeemed it would be God that had to do the purchasing - something that could only be paid by shedding blood on the cross. |
Audio Download (click title to download)
4 Apr 2010 am
Luke 24 (The Resurrection - Easter Sunday)
Bible reading Luke 24:13-35
4 Apr 2010 am
Luke 24 (The Resurrection - Easter Sunday)
Bible reading Luke 24:13-35
Why do we find it unbelievable? Do we not understand what happened or do we choose not to believe?
An encounter with the risen Christ that two followers experienced on the road to Emmaus. They were unaware of the battle that had been won over sin and didn’t see where the cross fit in with freedom for Israel. The eye opening experience of the unbelievable when we meet the risen Saviour.
An encounter with the risen Christ that two followers experienced on the road to Emmaus. They were unaware of the battle that had been won over sin and didn’t see where the cross fit in with freedom for Israel. The eye opening experience of the unbelievable when we meet the risen Saviour.
Other links 'The Case for Easter' |
We can come to faith, we can have asked Jesus into our lives and we can have a great testimony - but what does it mean to be a Christian? How can we develop as a Christian?
G - Gathering with other Christians
R - Reaching Out to others
O - Obeying God
W - Willing to give
T - Talents used for God
H - Hearing God Speak
"When it comes to prayer for a Christian. Prayer is like oxygen in a fire. You deprive a fire of Oxygen and it soon goes out. Our Prayer is like the oxygen in our relationship with God. When we stop praying it dies."
Related Links
G - Gathering with other Christians
R - Reaching Out to others
O - Obeying God
W - Willing to give
T - Talents used for God
H - Hearing God Speak
"When it comes to prayer for a Christian. Prayer is like oxygen in a fire. You deprive a fire of Oxygen and it soon goes out. Our Prayer is like the oxygen in our relationship with God. When we stop praying it dies."
Related Links
Audio Download (click title to download)
"I am He" - John 4
13 Jan
(Rev Smith)
Bible Verse - John 4:1-26
"I am He" - John 4
13 Jan
(Rev Smith)
Bible Verse - John 4:1-26
Who was it that Jesus thought he was?
In 3 simple words Jesus shows he is fully convinced that he had come as God's Messiah.
In 3 simple words Jesus shows he is fully convinced that he had come as God's Messiah.
- People matter to Jesus - Those with a past, the outcasts.
- Sin is serious in the eyes of Jesus - Dealing with it gently but firmly.
- Salvation comes through Jesus alone - Not where you worship but who you worship. It's all about Jesus.
- The new life that Jesus gives needs to be shared with others - Jesus in your life causes a change enabling you to share in your own individual way what Jesus has done for you.
Let's get out there and show the world that we have met and been changed by the best of all masters and the dearest of all friends.
Related Links Basic Christianity - John Stott |
Audio Download (click title to download)
"I am the Bread..."
27 Jan
(Keith Hibbert)
Bible verse - John 6:25-51
"I am the Bread..."
27 Jan
(Keith Hibbert)
Bible verse - John 6:25-51
Will you ever be full enough to never be hungry again?
Jesus starts with your hunger and then works to show you your spiritual hunger. Focusing on full life and not just full stomachs - finding food that endures.
What do we focus on that we think will satisfy us? What do we spend our time on? What are we chasing?
To discern whether or not we are chasing 'junk food' in our lives we should hold it up against God's word. But not just looking at verses that give us comfort but allowing God to really speak to us, challenge us and nourish us.
"Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures..." - Jesus (John 6:27)
Jesus starts with your hunger and then works to show you your spiritual hunger. Focusing on full life and not just full stomachs - finding food that endures.
What do we focus on that we think will satisfy us? What do we spend our time on? What are we chasing?
To discern whether or not we are chasing 'junk food' in our lives we should hold it up against God's word. But not just looking at verses that give us comfort but allowing God to really speak to us, challenge us and nourish us.
"Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures..." - Jesus (John 6:27)
Audio Downloads (click title to download)
The Flesh and the Spirit - (28/4/2013) - Rev Smith
Bible Readings - Galatians 5:16-25
The Flesh and the Spirit - (28/4/2013) - Rev Smith
Bible Readings - Galatians 5:16-25
The Galatians lived in a very promiscuous society - and today we can recognise that our society is the same.
We are in the midst of a conflict. There are two forces pulling us in two different directions. A sinful nature pulling us back to our old life and then the Holy spirit challenging us against our sin.
What does our sinful nature lead us into?
Not just looking at sexual sin but also religious sins like idolatry where we put something in the place that God should occupy in our lives.
What happens when Jesus saves us?
The transforming power of the Gospel that produces the fruit of the spirit. The ultimate test of the Spirit's presence in our lives is our character.
We are in the midst of a conflict. There are two forces pulling us in two different directions. A sinful nature pulling us back to our old life and then the Holy spirit challenging us against our sin.
What does our sinful nature lead us into?
Not just looking at sexual sin but also religious sins like idolatry where we put something in the place that God should occupy in our lives.
What happens when Jesus saves us?
The transforming power of the Gospel that produces the fruit of the spirit. The ultimate test of the Spirit's presence in our lives is our character.
He utterly transforms us. He takes selfish, self-centred, prideful, lustful, critical, miserable people and puts love, joy and peace in our hearts. Patience, kindness, goodness into our relationships and faithfulness, gentleness and self control into our backbones - that is our wills.
Audio Downloads (click title to download) Rejoice, Follow, Live (30/12/2012) - Rev Curry Bible Reading 1 Peter 2:11-25 |
Sermon series, stand alone, and guest speakers.
1 Peter
Apostles Creed
Balanced Life
Heaven And Hell
Holy Spirit
New Years
Sharing The Gospel
The Flesh
What We Believe