Sunday 9th October 2016
(The second Sunday in October) You are welcome to join us for our Harvest Thanksgiving. The choir is currently practicing for Harvest @2:30pm on Sundays in the church
Tuesday 20th September in Butterfly Magherafelt. Come along for a tea party & have a chat with friends - £5.50pp. Names must be with Judith or Barbara by Tuesday 13th. We would love all ladies of all ages to come along, bring their friends, mums, daughters, sisters & enjoy a night of food, friendship and fun. Youth Club@First
(For Young people - school year 8 and over) Saturday 10th September 2016 8-10pm Sunday School and Bible Class Sunday 10am MAD@First Sunday 11th September 2016 6pm Girls Brigade Wednesday 14th September 2016 for girls aged 3 from 1st July 2016 Explorers (3-7) - 6-7:15pm Juniors (8-10) - 7-8:45pm Seniors/Brigaders (11-18) - 7:45-9:30pm Junior Band Practice Sunday 18th September 2016 12:15-12:45pm Junior Youth Club (P1-P7) Starting in October running weekly from 6:45-8pm 2 Dates to add to your calendar
Tuesday 13th September 2016 United Parent and Toddler Prayer time in Union Road @ 9:15am Wednesday 14th September 2016 Parent and Toddlers Resumes in First Magherafelt @ 9:30am Thrive is back for 5th Year +
Starting on Saturday 24th September @ 8pm in Union Road Full list of dates for 2016/2017 are below. Introduction Evening Thursday 1st September 2016 SMALL GROUP BIBLE STUDIES: Week of 6th October 2016
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