Claire has been really enjoying the work with the children at Bally-kajoni.
Lorna was doing training with staff today which went well. The little boy who was very ill has imporved and seemes to have turned the corner today Chief Allen is a dad again his wife gave birth today in the hospital. All Keeping well. Maureen on call this weekend and just called to maternity this evening. Tomorrow morning Lorna is getting ready to take part in the sunday service at Livingstonia. In afternnon Lorna and Claire hope to go to children's ward and let the children do some pictures for Christmas cards this year. Pray for RJ from mourne who is there for 6 weeks to supervies extension to maternity - is planning to run bible study with the local workers each lunch time. Lorna / Claire and RJ are hoping to run children's meeting in the hospital on Sunday afternoon. thank you for your interest and prayers JAC
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Well in traditional Malawian Style the tuesday input from Lorna will take place on Wednesday!! Though the presence of a few Scottish Doctors was partly the cause of that.
Lorna has been treating a number of patients one in particular is responding well and now able to use crutches, a number of patients very ill including one child - Pray for Maureen on call tonight. Lorna and Maureen are invited for tea with Una tomorrow night. A trip down the lake to Zunga etc by boat is planned for Thursday. I am looking forward to hearing news of the clinic where the team worked in 2006. JAC |