For the most up to date times and dates for events please check our order of service which can be downloaded on the homepage
CommunityCoffee Morning
Thursday 10:30am-12:00pm (Church Library) Coffee Mornings happen on Magherafelt's Thursday Market day. While you're out and about the shops why not join us for a tea and coffee. The church building is also open at this time for prayer and reflection. If you can help on a rota please contact Anne Crossett or sign the sheet on the Church transept table. Grief Share (Minister's room) GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. GriefShare seminars and support groups are led by people who understand what you are going through and want to help. If you would find this helpful please contact Eileen Black. (more...) English Language Classes Monday 10:00am - 12:00pm (Minor Hall) English classes are available for those who do not have English as their first Language. For more information contact Archie Thomson. Spiritual GrowthBible Study and Small Groups
These groups provide the best opportunity to learn about God together as we work our way through the study. Each group focuses on the same study and the evening services on Sunday often provide a deeper look at what you have recently covered in a study. To find out when each group meets, click (more...) Christianity Explored If you want to find out more about what the Gospel message is then why not join this short course. The Christianity Explored course gives you time and space to think through who Jesus is and why it matters. For more information on when the course in running please contact Rev. Jonathan Curry. (more...) Prayer Meetings We meet weekly on Thursday Evenings in the Minor hall at 8pm, and Sunday Mornings at 10:30 in the minister's room. Contact Rev Curry for more informaiton. Serve at Home and AwayServe at Church
For information on some of the ways you can serve at church please view the order of service which will show you the names of contact people if you wish to be added to a rota. Men@First Men @First is a group for men at First Magherafelt. (more...) Ladies @ First This is an organisation for women within the Presbyterian Church in Ireland (PCI). In addition to supporting mission at home and overseas, each group is to seek ways of actively reaching women in its own area for Christ. (more...) StreetReach Saturday 11:30pm-2:00am (Meadowlane car-park Magherafelt) StreetReach is a joint work with Magherafelt Baptist in serving Tea/coffee and soup to people coming out of Dormans 'The Opera' Club on a Saturday night. It's a way to get to know the people in the local area and share with them about Jesus. For more information contact Lorna Curry. The StreetReach website is available at Mission Trips Any information on future mission trips will appear in the order of service, but why not take a look at the mission page to see previous trips and current mission projects overseas. (more...) |
For the most up to date information on what is happening at first Magherafelt please download an order of service from the homepage. YOU ARE HERE...
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If you were you looking for information on Baptism, Pre-marriage Classes or Membership Classes Click here. |